caesium package

caesium.document module

class caesium.document.AsyncRevisionStackManager(settings)

Bases: object

Find revisions for any document type and action the revision

publish(*args, **kwargs)

Iterate over the scheduler collections and apply any actions found

publish_for_collection(*args, **kwargs)

Run the publishing operations for a given collection

Parameters:collection_name (str) –
set_all_revisions_to_in_process(*args, **kwargs)

Set all revisions found to in process, so that other threads will not pick them up.

Parameters:ids (list) –
class caesium.document.AsyncSchedulableDocumentRevisionStack(collection_name, settings, collection_schema=None, master_id=None)

Bases: object

This class manages a stack of revisions for a given document in a given collection

DELETE_ACTION = 'delete'
INSERT_ACTION = 'insert'
SCHEMA = {'required': ['toa', 'processed', 'collection', 'master_id', 'action', 'patch'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'master_id': {'type': 'string'}, 'snapshot': {'type': 'object'}, 'processed': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'action': {'type': 'string'}, 'meta': {'type': 'object'}, 'toa': {'type': 'number'}, 'collection': {'type': 'string'}, 'patch': {'type': ['object', 'null']}}, 'title': 'Schedulable Revision Document'}
UPDATE_ACTION = 'update'
list(*args, **kwargs)

Return all revisions for this stack

  • toa (int) – The time of action as a UTC timestamp
  • show_history (bool) – Whether to show historical revisions
peek(*args, **kwargs)

Return the top object on the stack for this ID

Returns:The next revision
Return type:dict
pop(*args, **kwargs)

Pop the top revision off the stack back onto the collection at the given id. This method applies the action.

Note: This assumes you don’t have two revisions scheduled closer than a single scheduling cycle.

preview(*args, **kwargs)

Get an ephemeral preview of a revision with all revisions applied between it and the current state

Parameters:revision_id (str) – The ID of the revision state you want to preview the master id at.
Returns:A snapshot of a future state of the object
Return type:dict
push(*args, **kwargs)

Push a change on to the revision stack for this ObjectId. Pushing onto the stack is how you get revisions to be staged and scheduled for some future time.

  • patch (dict) – None Denotes Delete
  • toa (int) – Time of action
  • meta (dict) – The meta data for this action
class caesium.document.BSONEncoder(skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, encoding='utf-8', default=None)

Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder

BSONEncorder is used to transform certain value types to a more desirable format

default(obj, **kwargs)

Handles the adapting of special types from mongo

class caesium.document.BaseAsyncMotorDocument(collection_name, settings, schema=None, scheduleable=False)

Bases: object

Concrete abstract class for a mongo collection and document interface

This class simplifies the use of the motor library, encoding/decoding special types, etc

create_index(*args, **kwargs)

Create an index on a given attribute

  • index (str) – Attribute to set index on
  • index_type (str) – See PyMongo index types for further information, defaults to GEO2D index.
delete(*args, **kwargs)

Delete a document or create a DELETE revision

Parameters:_id (str) – The ID of the document to be deleted
Returns:JSON Mongo client response including the “n” key to show number of objects effected
find(*args, **kwargs)

Find a document by any criteria

  • query (dict) – The query to perform
  • orderby (str) – The attribute to order results by
  • order_by_direction (int) – 1 or -1
  • page (int) – The page to return
  • limit (int) – Number of results per page

A list of results

Return type:


find_one(*args, **kwargs)

Find one wrapper with conversion to dictionary

Parameters:query (dict) – A Mongo query
find_one_by_id(*args, **kwargs)

Find a single document by id

Parameters:_id (str) – BSON string repreentation of the Id
Returns:a signle object
Return type:dict
insert(*args, **kwargs)

Create a document

  • dct (dict) –
  • toa (toa) – Optional time of action, triggers this to be handled as a future insert action for a new document
  • comment (str) – A comment
Rtype str:
Returns string bson id:

Search based on location and other attribute filters

  • lng (long) – Longitude parameter
  • lat (long) – Latitude parameter
  • distance (int) – The radius of the query
  • unit (str) – The unit of measure for the query, defaults to miles
  • attribute_map (dict) – Additional attributes to apply to the location bases query
  • page (int) – The page to return
  • limit (int) – Number of results per page

List of objects

Return type:


patch(*args, **kwargs)

Update an existing document via a $set query, this will apply only these attributes.

  • predicate_value – The value of the predicate
  • attrs (dict) – The dictionary to apply to this object
  • predicate_attribute (str) – The attribute to query for to find the object to set this data ond

JSON Mongo client response including the “n” key to show number of objects effected


update(*args, **kwargs)

Update an existing document

  • predicate_value – The value of the predicate
  • dct (dict) – The dictionary to update with
  • upsert (bool) – Whether this is an upsert action
  • attribute (str) – The attribute to query for to find the object to set this data ond

JSON Mongo client response including the “n” key to show number of objects effected

upsert(*args, **kwargs)

Update or Insert a new document

  • _id (str) – The document id
  • dct (dict) – The dictionary to set on the document
  • attribute (str) – The attribute to query for to find the object to set this data on

JSON Mongo client response including the “n” key to show number of objects effected

exception caesium.document.DocumentRevisionDeleteFailed

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Occurs when the async delete process fails

exception caesium.document.DocumentRevisionInsertFailed

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Occurs when the revisioned document insert fails

exception caesium.document.NoRevisionsAvailable

Bases: exceptions.Exception

No Revisions Available

exception caesium.document.RevisionActionNotValid

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Invalid revision type

exception caesium.document.RevisionNotFound

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Revision was not found

exception caesium.document.RevisionNotFoundException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception caesium.document.RevisionUpdateFailed

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Occurs whena revision update cannot be applied

caesium.handler module

class caesium.handler.BaseBulkScheduleableUpdateHandler(application, request, **kwargs)

Bases: caesium.handler.BaseHandler

Bulk update objects by id and patch

delete(*args, **kwargs)

Update many objects with a single toa

Parameters:bulk_id (str) – The bulk id for the job you want to delete
put(*args, **kwargs)

Update many objects with a single PUT.

Example Request:

    "ids": ["52b0ede98ac752b358b1bd69", "52b0ede98ac752b358b1bd70"],
    "patch": {
        "foo": "bar"
class caesium.handler.BaseHandler(application, request, **kwargs)

Bases: tornado.web.RequestHandler

A class to collect common handler methods that can be useful in your individual implementation, this includes functions for working with query strings and Motor/Mongo type documents

arg_as_array(arg, split_char='|')

Turns an argument into an array, split by the splitChar

  • arg (str) – The name of the query param you want to turn into an array based on the value
  • split_char (str) – The character the value should be split on.

A list of values

Return type:


get_arg_value_as_type(key, default=None, convert_int=False)

Allow users to pass through truthy type values like true, yes, no and get to a typed variable in your code

Parameters:val (str) – The string reprensentation of the value you want to convert
Returns:adapted value
Return type:dynamic

Gets the current user from the secure cookie store

Returns:user name for logged in user
Return type:str

Generates a dictionary from a handler paths query string and returns it

Returns:Dictionary of all key/values in arguments list
Return type:dict
get_json_argument(name, default=None)

Find and return the argument with key ‘name’ from JSON request data. Similar to Tornado’s get_argument() method.

  • name (str) – The name of the json key you want to get the value for
  • default (bool) – The default value if nothing is found

value of the argument name request


Generate a mongo query from the given URL query parameters, handles OR query via multiples

Parameters:reserved_attributes (list) – A list of attributes you want to exclude from this particular query
group_objects_by(list, attr, valueLabel='value', childrenLabel='children')

Generates a group object based on the attribute value on of the given attr value that is passed in.

  • list (list) – A list of dictionary objects
  • attr (str) – The attribute that the dictionaries should be sorted upon
  • valueLabel (str) – What to call the key of the field we’re sorting upon
  • childrenLabel (str) – What to call the list of child objects on the group object

list of grouped objects by a given attribute

Return type:



(Deprecated) Converts a JSON object to a mongo db cursor

Parameters:json (str) – A json string
Returns:dictionary with ObjectId type
Return type:dict

Convenience method for converting a mongokit or pymongo list cursor into a JSON object for return :param Cursor cursor: A motor client database cursor


Load JSON from the request body and store them in self.request.arguments, like Tornado does by default for POSTed form parameters.

If JSON cannot be decoded

Raises ValueError:
 JSON Could not be decoded

Handle conversion of pymongo cursor into a JSON object formatted for UI consumption

Parameters:cursor (Cursor) – A motor client database cursor
raise_error(status=500, message='Generic server error. Out of luck...')

Sets an error status and returns a message to the user in JSON format

  • status (int) – The status code to use
  • message (str) – The message to return in the JSON response
return_resource(resource, status=200, statusMessage='OK')

Return a resource response

  • resource (str) – The JSON String representation of a resource response
  • status (int) – Status code to use
  • statusMessage (str) – The message to use in the error response
unauthorized(message='Unauthorized request, please login first')

Standard Unauthorized response

Parameters:message (str) – The Message to use in the error response
write_hyper_response(links=, []meta={}, entity_name=None, entity=None, notifications=, []actions=[])

Writes a hyper media response object

  • links (list) – A list of links to the resources
  • meta (dict) – The meta data for this response
  • entity_name (str) – The entity name
  • entity (object) – The Entity itself
  • notifications (list) – List of notifications
  • actions (list) – List of actions
class caesium.handler.BaseMotorSearch(application, request, **kwargs)

Bases: caesium.handler.BaseHandler

Handles searching of the stores endpoint

get(*args, **kwargs)

Standard search end point for a resource of any type, override this get method as necessary in any specifc sub class. This is mostly here as a convenience for basic querying functionality on attribute

example URL:


will create a query of:

    "attr1": "foo",
    "attr2": true

Initializer for the Search Handler

class caesium.handler.BaseRestfulMotorHandler(application, request, **kwargs)

Bases: caesium.handler.BaseHandler

Handles the restful endpoints for a mongo document resource, also has some concerns on how to handle document revision scheduling.

delete(*args, **kwargs)

Delete a resource by bson id :raises: 404 Not Found :raises: 400 Bad request :raises: 500 Server Error

get(*args, **kwargs)

Get an by object by unique identifier

Id string id:the bson id of an object
Return type:JSON

Initialize the base handler

post(*args, **kwargs)

Create a new object resource

Json:Object to create
Returns:json string representation
Return type:JSON
put(*args, **kwargs)

Update a resource by bson ObjectId

Returns:json string representation
Return type:JSON
class caesium.handler.BaseRevisionList(application, request, **kwargs)

Bases: caesium.handler.BaseRestfulMotorHandler

get(*args, **kwargs)

Get a list of revisions by master ID


Initializer for the Search Handler

class caesium.handler.RevisionHandler(application, request, **kwargs)

Bases: caesium.handler.BaseRestfulMotorHandler

delete(*args, **kwargs)

Delete a revision by ID

Parameters:id – BSON id
get(*args, **kwargs)

Get revision based on the stack preview algorithm

Parameters:id – BSON id

Initializer for the Search Handler

post(*args, **kwargs)

Create a revision manually without the stack

Parameters:id – BSON id
put(*args, **kwargs)

Update a revision by ID

Parameters:id – BSON id